
Carer Information

Carer Support

Support in and around Hampshire

Connect to Support Hampshire website- An online directory to find a range of information and services across Hampshire: www.connecttosupporthampshire.org.uk/carersupport

Carers Support and Dementia Advisor Service- Andover Mind (supports all carers) 

Tel: 01264 332297   Email: enquiries@andovermind.org.uk   Website: www.andovermind.org.uk

Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire 

Tel: 01264 835246 | Email: info@carercentre.com | Website: carercentre.com

Emergency Planning and Cover Hotline Number: 0800 169 1577

(Free Service for advice and arranging emergency care cover) 

Come along and create an emergency plan - access carer support and information - access other organisations and professionals - meet other carers in your area. Cared for are also warmly welcomed.

Carers hub meets at Parsonage Farm Nursery & Infants School Community Hall in Cove, Farnborough GU14 9TT – meeting dates and times are available on the website

Carers Together 

Tel: 01794 519495 | Email: admin@carerstogether.org.uk | Website: www.carerstogether.org.uk

Age Concern Hampshire 

Tel: 01962 892447 | Email: info@ageconcernhampshire.org.uk 

Website: www.ageconcernhampshire.org.uk

Carer’s assessment – Hampshire County Council 

Anyone who may need support in their caring role has a right to a carer’s assessment. Find out about Hampshire’s Carer Strategy and Carers Charter and more here: www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/adultsocialcare/carers-assessment.

For carers under the age of 18 contact the Hampshire Young Carers Alliance @ www.hyca.org.uk

National support

Carers Trust

Tel: 0300 772 9600 | Email: info@carers.org | Website: carers.org 

Carers UK

Tel: 020 7378 4999 | Email: info@carersuk.org | Website: www.carersuk.org

Social care and support guide (NHS)

This website explains your options and where you can get support.


Citizens Advice

Help and support for all carers 



It’s important that everyone who works here at Hart Health knows you are a carer so that we can offer you help and support if you need it. Anyone who looks after a friend or family member who cannot manage without them, and is unpaid, can register. This includes carers under the age of 18.

If you are a carer, please complete this form below.

Tell us about yourself


Details of Person being cared for

Age of the person you care for?  
Are you in receipt of carer’s allowance? *  
Are there any other carers in the household?  

Further details on Carer Support can be found here.

Please specify

By submitting this form, you are giving consent for the Hart Health Partnership to keep a record of your contact details on the cared for person’s medical records.

Please be aware that should any of the above details change, it is your responsibility to notify the Hart Health Partnership of the changes.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory